He erected a homestead of timber and slabs with a thatched room in the bush at the foot of Gejizrick Hill. Richard Brooks, his son, came to Manaro with cattle in 1827, and reached what was afterwardsĬootralantra Lake, where, consequent upon the blacks proving hostile, he lost his cattle, which he later found on Gejizrick Flat, where the rich pastures that then existed caused him to determine to settle. Mary's Church, Denham Court, died in 1833, at the age of 69. Captain Brooks, who had a naval career, sailed his own schooner to New South Wales, and settled in 1814 at Denham Court, near Liverpool, and, according to a memorial window in St. He was a son of Captain Richard Brooks, of Bermondsay, Surrey, and was born in 1812. RICHARD BROOKS is, it is almost safe to say, the earliest pioneer of whose settlement any authentic record exists. The following photos were supplied by Michael Povey Historical information | Discussion and debate | Genealogy